Bill Jehle Projects

Tag: Bill Jehle

  • gardens and drive-bys

    These works are free form landscapes, if you will, meaning these are worked in what could be called a free style that allows the image to flow onto the paper without any preconceived idea of what it will look like. Inspired by the quiet and sublime beauty of New Mexico and Southern Colorado landscape and flower…


    I made a pile of both drawings and paintings based on an abstract conception of human chakra system. I won’t go into what that is-if you don’t know give it a quick google. My drawings (I called them CANDLES) looked kind of like this on the right: I have 30 more or less of these…

  • Colony Ink Drawings From 2017 and 2018

    Summer of 2017 was dry, Summer of 2018 was even drier, the wild flowers, grasses and weeds took on an aggressive, desperate exuberance. The clouds were iridescent in the afternoons and the cloudless mornings presented a sky that rang with a persistent clarity that took your breath away. If you’ve been to the Wet Mountain…

  • How We Made Anabasis

    What if we start constructing an image based solely on a GM grid with no predetermined outcome or image. That is a picture that is a picture of itself not of something else. To further isolate this from gestural and arbitrary mark making it was necessary to confine the lines and shapes to vertexes on…

  • exalted objects: solitary and terrible

    Riffing on Roland Barthes: The object in view assumes an exalted place:  modern painting is a painting of the object. In it, Nature becomes a fragmented space, made of objects solitary and terrible because the links between them are only potential. Nobody chooses them for a privileged meaning, or a particular use, or some service; nobody…

  • Suite of Six Etchings at El Morro Editions

    in 2012 we produced a small suite of six etchings at el moro editions studio in los osos, ca

  • the Meditation Drawings

    At the heart of these drawings is a Baroque emphasis on disorder in which linear time and geometric planning are eschewed in favor of more natural arrangements. A kind of frothy, bubbly organicism replaces classical structure, leaving the viewer slightly unmoored and with a Goya-esque fear that nature might overwhelm reason. Deep space and proximity…

  • What Does Splattobscurro look like

    This is what it looks like; Notice how there are brushed lines, like the flicked on looking red boomerang shape and the baby blue circles. Notice how they have small flecks of obscurro from color that was applied by a rapidly moving brush that was expelling color as it moved. That is a characteristic of…